Hiring an Independent Facilitator

I see this question a lot: “What should I ask when selecting an Independent Facilitator for the SDP transition?”

Seems straight forward, but there are several things to consider! Let’s dive in…

Pre-Consult considerations. First, think about why you are going into Self Determination. Is it because you or a loved one can’t access services in traditional? Is it a better fit for the entire family? Are you seeking more control and authority over your support needs? There are so many different answers to the why. What is your ‘why?’

Time. Are there any timeframes you hope to meet? Do you want to start in Self Determination by a specific month? I have worked with clients who want to take it slow, like reeeeal slow (two years to enter!), because it’s important to them that they understand everything along the way. I have others who hope to be in program in 3 - 6 months. Depending on any potential timeframes, it may adjust what you prioritize in your transition IF.

Knowledge. What is your current knowledge and understanding of the Self Determination Program? What role or level of responsibility do you want to have during the SDP transition? How many hours per week can or will you put towards the transition? Do you want someone to fully lead the transition and all its nuances? Or someone to partner with in the roles and responsibilities during the transition?

What’s important to you in an IF? Some people want to work with an IF who has a shared experience, such as being a self-advocate themselves, or a parent of someone in SDP. Others prefer more contrast in their experiences so they remain more objective.

Did you know IFs are not required for the SDP transition? Some people hire an IF for the full transition, others hire for parts of it, and others utilize free resources and community events to coach them through the transition themselves (and there’s a lot out there!).

If you know you are going to hire an Independent Facilitator, consider some of the following to help you select your perfect match.

Experience. How many people have they transitioned into Self Determination? What training do they have? How long have they been facilitating SDP transitions? How do they describe the PCP in relation to the transition process? Have they supported anyone on a case similar to yours? Sometimes people with high budgets or specific career goals might want someone who has been successful in advocating for things in the budget or spending plan.

Knowledge. How do they describe the stages of the SDP transition? What would they say is the most challenging stage? Which stage do they enjoy the most? Do they know the unique policies, procedures, and sometimes restrictions of the different FMSs? Which FMSs have they worked with? How do they describe the working relationship between IF, regional center, and the FMS?

Communication. How will they share new information with you - emails, phone, text, Google docs? Can they provide any communication support if needed, such ASL, interpreters, asynchronous workflows, or typed templates? How do they facilitate and maintain momentum towards your start date? Do they have any unique work styles?

Community. How well do they know the area you live in? Do they know of services or programs in your area related to your interests or needs? Do they have experience working with others at your regional center? Do they know who the SDP supervisors or the participant choice specialists at your regional center are?

You probably took in a lot of information from your first chat with the IF. A lot of new information can be overwhelming! So take a breath and consider the following as you process your options:

Connection. Do you feel comfortable talking to them? Did you enjoy the conversation you had? Did you learn something new? Do you see yourself working well with them?

This is not an exhaustive list of the questions one might ask. Every person’s experience and needs are unique, and so your questions might be as well!

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